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30th January, 2025 - first of the year, and new meetings

I hadn't realised I'd not posted so far this year. With January coming to a close tomorrow I guess this is a good time to evaluate how the first month of a new year has gone.

All in, I'd say pretty well.

Yesterday I submitted a short story to the Parracombe Prize. Which makes the 3rd story I currently have out in the world that I'm awaiting a response on. That's the best position I've ever been in in terms of getting stuff finished and sent out. The story I submitted I ended up titling, When The Day Was Enough. It's a story about a pattern of generational violent behaviour, a sons concern as to whether he can escape that pattern of behaviour, and one day on a beach in Cornwall that offers an alternative way forward. I was as happy with it as I could be with the deadline looming. If it gets chosen for something, great. If not, I'll have more time to work on it, which is also great. Well, good if not great.

The other highlight of the month is that I finally got around to attending the local writers group. Words Out Loud are a Chichester based organisation and they run a fortnightly writers workshop/social just a 10 minute bike ride from our house. It was a very informal meeting but everyone seemed nice and it was good to talk shop with people who share the interest. I'll definitely be going along again.

So, a short story out into the world and a new writers social meet up in the calendar. I'd call that a good start to 2025.

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